About The xpand Foundation is committed to an inclusive society that values the sustainable livelihood and happiness of every individual.

The xpand Foundation is a social enterprise committed to an inclusive society that values the meaningful livelihood and happiness of every individual.

The xpand Foundation creates and supports locally controlled enterprises that encourage social inclusion of disadvantaged people to build their social and economic participation in a society committed to a green future.

Our approach to sustainable broad-based economic growth creates more employment and income earning opportunities for poor women and men leading to a lasting reduction in poverty. The focus is very much on the generation of ‘common wealth’ rather than ‘individual wealth’ using a model of social enterprise were individuals are paid for their contribution to the whole, but no individual will benefit above others simply through enterprise or business ownership.

The xpand Foundation is :


No part of the company’s income or property may be paid, transferred or distributed directly or indirectly, by way of dividend, bonus or other profit distribution, to any of the members or directors.


The Foundation’s income and property must be applied solely towards promoting the company’s purposes.


A majority of the members of the company at all times must be persons who are not one or more of government, local government, a government department or a government authority, or an employee or officer of any of the above.

The xpand Foundation’s governing body is its board of directors.